Thursday, May 17, 2012
Antigone- Journal #12
Anouilh uses the conflict of yes vs. no through the character of Creon, and his decision to obtain the throne after the death of Etecoles. Through this situation it seems like to say yes to this situation or other conflicts within the play seems to be not what the character wants to do, but feels like it's their obligation to complete the task. After Antigone shows Creon that he had the option of saying no, Creon states "it would have been cowardly" (35) to not take on the throne. Anouilh continues to show yes vs. no when Antigone and Creon continue their conversation. Antigone states that because Creon has the throne he can only do what is socially acceptable by saying that she can say yes or no to "anything I think vile" (35). This means that Creon cannot say anything that goes against the societies values because he is kind and has to represent their beliefs as a whole. This can kind of go back to the struggle for power because Creon wants to create this societal image but people like Antigone don't share the same values therefore begin to defy Creon. I think that Anouilh uses this tension to show the importance of having your own voice, and doing what you want to do. Creon did what he though was right and didn't say no when he wanted to. This has caused his unhappiness, and lack of self-esteem which he replaces with the feeling that power gives him. Antigone on the other hand is content with herself in the decisions that she has made because they have been what she wants to do.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Antigone- Journal #11
The chorus has become less casual. After yesterday's reading and today's discussion I feel like Anouilh has transitioned from a casual narrator of the play to a narrator that mainly focuses what a tragedy is, along with a depressing tone that compliments the chorus' description of a tragedy. The vocabulary that Anouilh uses with the chorus this time seems to focus more on "neutralizing" that goes along with death. Anouilh uses words like tranquility, doubt, numb, silence, stillness, tears etc. One thing that I noticed about all these words is that, they all have something to do with death. I think that this helps create the depressing tone that Anouilh is trying to use in the Chorus. The chorus comments on the tragic elements of the play by mainly describing the concept of a tragedy and how the play so far has been tragic. This is shown when the chorus says how one little thing can topple over and cause a ripple effect that therefore becomes tragic.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Antigone- Journal #10
- Oedipus dies
- Etecoles and Polynices agree to share the throne. (Reign in alternate years)
- After being kind for one year, Etecoles decided not to give the throne to Polynices
- Civil War
- Polynices and his six allies were defeated
- Brothers fought outisde city walls
- They kill each other
- Creon becomes king
- Creon decides that Etecoles will be buried with pomp and honours, while Polynices is to be left to rot
- Anyone who tries to give Polynices a religious burial will be put to death.
The previous events seem to be focused all around death. The description that Anouilh uses kind of changes the audience's or reader's mindset towards the play to make them expect death and betrayal. The words that Anouilh uses to describe these events also aid in creating kind a depressing tone that spreads throughout the mind of the reader. I find this kind of confusing because it was my understanding that part of the tragedy is to show some one's downfall, but how is that possible when starting the play off in this depressing tone? Although Anouilh did very clearly show a downfall through the events that occurred before Antigone was caught. Through Anouilh's description, I feel like the reader or audience immediately begins to hate Creon. Creon is seen in this past events who someone who has a major lust for power. I feel like this is shown through his actions when stating that anyone who tries to give Polynices a religious burial will be executed. And the fact that he can makes the decision of who can or can't have a burial shows that he is either showing his dominance or is staying loyal to an ally. This can aid in the plays definition of the tragedy because some people can view both sides as being correct. Because Creon took the side of Etecoles, who was the one who didn't want to give up power, I think that Anouilh is trying to show Creon as a character who is obbsessed with power and is driven by the want to obtain more of it.
- Etecoles and Polynices agree to share the throne. (Reign in alternate years)
- After being kind for one year, Etecoles decided not to give the throne to Polynices
- Civil War
- Polynices and his six allies were defeated
- Brothers fought outisde city walls
- They kill each other
- Creon becomes king
- Creon decides that Etecoles will be buried with pomp and honours, while Polynices is to be left to rot
- Anyone who tries to give Polynices a religious burial will be put to death.
The previous events seem to be focused all around death. The description that Anouilh uses kind of changes the audience's or reader's mindset towards the play to make them expect death and betrayal. The words that Anouilh uses to describe these events also aid in creating kind a depressing tone that spreads throughout the mind of the reader. I find this kind of confusing because it was my understanding that part of the tragedy is to show some one's downfall, but how is that possible when starting the play off in this depressing tone? Although Anouilh did very clearly show a downfall through the events that occurred before Antigone was caught. Through Anouilh's description, I feel like the reader or audience immediately begins to hate Creon. Creon is seen in this past events who someone who has a major lust for power. I feel like this is shown through his actions when stating that anyone who tries to give Polynices a religious burial will be executed. And the fact that he can makes the decision of who can or can't have a burial shows that he is either showing his dominance or is staying loyal to an ally. This can aid in the plays definition of the tragedy because some people can view both sides as being correct. Because Creon took the side of Etecoles, who was the one who didn't want to give up power, I think that Anouilh is trying to show Creon as a character who is obbsessed with power and is driven by the want to obtain more of it.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Blood Wedding Topic Sentence
The moon personifies death through Lorca's poetic monologues that focus on the Moon's lust for blood.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Blood Weddong- Journal #9
Death is inevitable so live:
Theoughout this play Lorca symbolizes death through ,ultisols characters along with other props that are used in the play. The knife is a classic symbol of death that reoccurs throughout the entire play. Lorca then uses the moon, the beggar women, and the three wood cutters to emphasize death at the very end of the movel. I think that Lorca is trying to say do what makes you happy because you never know when your happiness will be ripped out from underneath you. I think this is shown in Lorna's choice not to have the bride die because she was having trouble ,asking a desicison and them right after making it lose the two people that she claimed to love. This is Lorca's way of showing the importance of having your own voice.
Control isn't necessary:
Throughout the play the Bride seems to always be lacking in control. This is seen through her mother always telling her what to do and she is under the pressure of being accepted into the society after leaving the man that she promised to marry. Through these instances I think that Lorca is trying to say that control doesn't really make anyone happy but rather creates tension between two people or in the case of the play between a person and the community. So in a way Lorca is kind of downgrading control I
People want what they can't have:
This is shown when the bride runs away with Leonardo even though it is highly looked down upon in their society. I think that Lorca is trying to show that humans shouldn't get greedy and just accept what they are give. Because they will end up with nothing in the end.
(I don't know what's going on with the format. I apologize.)
Monday, May 7, 2012
Blood Wedding- Journal #8
During the second act the plot mostly takes place within the house that the wedding guests are meeting and I believe they are on their way to the church where the wedding will be held when they learn that Leonardo and the Bride have run off. The setting in Act 3 begins in the forest that Leonardo and the Bride are hiding in from the people hunting them. In the second act the setting is mostly connected to the happiness of being married. Getting married is usually one of the happiest moments of a person's life because they are around the people that they love along with being with their future spouse. This creates a very happy and optimistic tone throughout the whole act. In the third act the tone completely changes to a more depressing tone. This is felt through the character of the moon. The moon and its light represents death and the loss of hope and this character along with others help contribute to the development of this tone. Some of the other characters that aid to this development is the Three Woodcutters, and the beggar women. The Beggar Women mainly foreshadows that death is an event that will occur later in the play which again helps develop this depressing tone in the third act. The three woodcutters I see equivalent to the moon because I believe that trees resemble hope and family within the play, and if this were the case then by cutting down the trees the woodcutters are trying to diminish this sense of hope createing a depressing tone within the third act compared the optimistic and happy tone that is felt within the second act.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Blood Wedding- Journal #7
I think that Lorca breaks the fourth wall in the play by using monologues with different characters. One example of this is at the beginning of act two scene one when the maid isn't really talking to herself but just thinking outloud. The author also used this same technique at the beginning of the book with the mother's monologue. I think that the author might do this to suppress the dressing feel of the play. By doing this I think that Lorca is trying to attract all audiences to his play because some people might not enjoy the Depressing feel of the play. Also by reminding the reader that the events are not real it allows the reader to stay more kmterested in the play by making predictions of the ending or analyze different symbols and motifs within the play. This is different from nonfiction in that there is only one end or there is nothing to analyze but rather take in the events. And based on whether the plot keeps the audience's attention determines if the play will or will not be successful. So by breaking the fourth wall in BLOOD WEDDING, Lorca suppresses the depressing mood of the play that opens it up to a bigger audience, and then opens it to an even bigger audience by allowing the audience to either analyze the play or just enjoy the plot as it unfolds.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Blood Wedding- Journal #3
Throughout the play I think that the Bride is the main character that continues to miserable throughout the whole play. This is miserable feeling seems to be the result of confused feelings of love. Right before her wedding to the Bridegroom, the Bride replies to the Maid's optimistic comment about weddings by saying that weddings can be filled with "such misery." The Bride then continues to say that "They are dark clouds- an ill wind inside me. Who hasn't felt that?" I think this represents the Bride's confusing emotions between which man, Leonardo or the Bridegroom, she loves more. This is the catalyst to her misery. It seems like the Bride is expressing it in very discretely to the maid through conversation. I think that the bride desires to be with the man she truly loves without facing ridicule from the society. I think what stops her from getting out of this miserable stage his the fear of hurting the Bridegroom, assuming that she actually cares about him, or the ridicule that she would face from the society. This is because back in this time period going back on your promise to marry someone is against the societal rules of that time. I think she is also afraid of the consequences that she would face if she were to leave the Bridegroom after promising to marry.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Wild Duck- Journal #3 (Repost due to the IPad Dillemma)
I think that one of the main characters that is at fault for the events that occur is Greggers. More specifically he is at fault for the events that occur within the Ekdal family. He is the one that gave Hedvig the idea that killing the wild duck would result in her gaining the love of her father. Greggers also is the one who revealed the truth about Hedvig which created tension in the Ekdal household that eventually lead to Hjalmar wanting to leave the household. I think that Werle should take more responsibility for the events that occur within the Ekdal family because it seemed like the hostile relationship between Werle and his son caused Greggers to go on his quest that led to the unfortunate events of the Ekdal family. I think that Gina should take more credit as well because if she would have told Hjalmar the truth earlier all of these situations could have been avoided. I also think that Gina played arose in hiding the truth from Hjalmar. This is proven when Gina is talking to trudes to shade the light from Hjalmar.
Blood Wedding- Journal #2
In Blood Wedding, one of the archetypes that reoccurs throughout the story is the horse. Lorca very frequently describes the horse as wounded, and having a frozen mane. The horse is then used with the silver dagger, water and blood in context. I think that Lorca uses the horse as a symbol for either Leonardo or the Bridegroom. The horse is described as having the silver dagger which ends up killing Leonardo and the Bridegroom down by the river, also mentioned with the horse, and then the horse is described as taking a sip of the blood water from the river and then crying because it didn't want the blood water. I think that this foreshadows death. I think that Lorca embraces this archetype throughout the play to keep the audience on their toes. This could also be used to establish the duende he felt that he was laking by trying to connect to the everyday life of the audience.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Blood Wedding-Journal #1
The symbol of the knife is the first symbol that is very evident within the first few pages of the play. Within the first scene the knife is described as an object that is created by a monster. We later learn that the father and brother of the bridegroom were both murdered by a knife. This creates a tension between the bridegroom and his mother. This creates tension between the bridegroom and his mother. It almostvseems like the knife is a symbol for destruction within the family? This becomes interesting in that the conversation without any blatant subject changes steadily transfers over to talking about the bride. The mother then describes the knife as a serpent which she calls the bride at the very end of the book... Another symbol in the last few pages of the scene is water. The neighbor describes the person who takes the water to the reapers as being black from the sun. I interpret this as disrupting the flow of water therefore being burned by the sun. If this were the case then water could represent peace in these first few pages? Or maybe more specifically peace within the society.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Wild Duck- Journal #2
Ibsen uses the motif of alcohol to represent the the corruption of truth in the novel. Werle gives alcohol to old Ekdal and Hjalmar to keep them from telling the truth or learning the truth. At Werle's party, he offers plenty of alcohol to the guests which both HjLmar and Ekdal attemded. "I hear[...] music room." (121) For example Old Ekdal is the only person that knows that Werle was involved in the scandal that lead to Ekdal's imprisonment. If Ekdal were to share this secret with the community this could diminish the respect that Werle has gained. This is why Werle uses alcohol to suppress Ekdal. "Well[...] better." (130) Werle then uses alcohol to hide the truth about Hedvig from Hjalmar. When Hjalmar is at the party Werle doesn't hesitate to supply alcohol for Hjalmar. It is clear that alcohol supresses his mindset: "Absolutely not[...] then we'll have it cozy." (145) Ibsen uses this motif to represent the control that Werle contains over the community.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Wild Duck- Journal #1
In the Wild Duck Gina and Hedvig face many different limitations throughout the story. These limitations are due to the gender roles that Ibsen portrays in the novels. For example, Gina and Hedvig never leave the house and are always doing something for Hjalmar. Most of the time they are working on Hjalmar's projects while Hjalmar continues to get the credit. Next, Hedvig is limited by the control that Hjalmar has over her. Hedvig is always trying to please and make him happy however never succeeds. This leads to her suicicde because she thinks that it will please her dad in a very weird way. This emotional boundary is created through Hjalmar's character when he neglects Hedvig by never noticing her as a person, or the things that she does for him. This creates an emotional strain on Headvig in which she is never able to please her father. Hjalmar has his own internal and external limitation in that he is blinded by the lies that Werle tells him. He doesn't question what he is being told rather accepts it as fact and moves on. This is internal because it is a mental problem but is external because it is influenced by an outside force. This goes into the idea that Hjalmar is not able to think for himself. This is shown in the novel when Gina and Hedvig are always doing his work.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Dystopian Journal #3
Setting: Throughout the novel the society begins to evolve as imagination becomes more relevvant in the citizens. Through the Operation, the government tries to rid their perfect society of rebellion by removing the imagiination from citizens. This shows the progression of control that the government has from the beginning of the novel to the end of a novel. In the beginning of the novel, the use of a society based on definite answers to control the citizens to accept the government's answers as what is right. But as those answers continue to not please I-330 and her followers rebellion becomes an infection, in the government's eyes that is, that I-330 helps develop in D-503 as he begins to gain a soul. The operation was designed to remove the imagination from the citizens within the society to make a happier society. But by removing imagination from the society the thought of rebellion is extinguished giving the government more control over the society. "A mercilessly sharp black triangle on the white: 'What? You don't want happiness?'"(162)
Motifs: In the final third of the novel,an interesting motif of hair followed that of the facial features in part two. The wall had just been broken down and people who live outside of the wall are described as hairy people. When D-503 is questioning the government and contemplating rebellion with I-330, he reaches out to grab an object and decries his hand as hairy and how the hand was the square root of -1 inside of him and he wanted nothing more than to get rid of This hair or the square root of -1. In this context the hair represents freedom, the want for freedom, or rebellion. Through this bodily feature the author Conveys that the want to rebel or the want for freedom is normal however you must tread carefully because it can leand to something out of control. "But what you didn't know[...] And we, MEMPHI, we want..." (144)
Language: The final third contained significantly less dialogue than in the previous 2/3 of the book while having longer and a larger quantity of descriptive paragraphs describing a character's thoughts, actions or a major event that occurred during the book. Through this method I believe that the author is trying to pull the reader's attention away from character interaction and push the attention toward different elements of the book. For example in the end of the book D-503 is describing his interaction with the benefactor that caused the death of I-330. During this monologue the author tries to show the effect of government on citizens. "the next day[...] because reason should win." (202-203)
Cultural Connections: I feel like in a way this can be connected back to the society that we live in today. Because even though the United States stands for freedom and liberty, new laws can and have been created to Limit the freedom of the citizens in the united states. For example the espionage and sedition acts during worked war 1 were created to prevent the citizens from talking against the government during a time of war which completely goes against the 1st amendment right granted to the citizens of the united states.
Motifs: In the final third of the novel,an interesting motif of hair followed that of the facial features in part two. The wall had just been broken down and people who live outside of the wall are described as hairy people. When D-503 is questioning the government and contemplating rebellion with I-330, he reaches out to grab an object and decries his hand as hairy and how the hand was the square root of -1 inside of him and he wanted nothing more than to get rid of This hair or the square root of -1. In this context the hair represents freedom, the want for freedom, or rebellion. Through this bodily feature the author Conveys that the want to rebel or the want for freedom is normal however you must tread carefully because it can leand to something out of control. "But what you didn't know[...] And we, MEMPHI, we want..." (144)
Language: The final third contained significantly less dialogue than in the previous 2/3 of the book while having longer and a larger quantity of descriptive paragraphs describing a character's thoughts, actions or a major event that occurred during the book. Through this method I believe that the author is trying to pull the reader's attention away from character interaction and push the attention toward different elements of the book. For example in the end of the book D-503 is describing his interaction with the benefactor that caused the death of I-330. During this monologue the author tries to show the effect of government on citizens. "the next day[...] because reason should win." (202-203)
Cultural Connections: I feel like in a way this can be connected back to the society that we live in today. Because even though the United States stands for freedom and liberty, new laws can and have been created to Limit the freedom of the citizens in the united states. For example the espionage and sedition acts during worked war 1 were created to prevent the citizens from talking against the government during a time of war which completely goes against the 1st amendment right granted to the citizens of the united states.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Dystopian Journal #2
Throughout the second third the story mainly takes place in the ancient house where D-503 meets with I-330. While in this ancient house D-503 begins to develop an imagination with the help of his new lover I-330. I think that the ancient house is the "origin" of the authors motifs and symbols for D-503 and the entire novel. "A second's pause at the door [...] I died" (85) In tis one quote the auhhor describes all the colors that are reoccurring regusrky throughout the novel: green, red, and yellow. And then it also mentions the mirror door, and earlier in the novel he was describing people's eyes as mirrors. So I think that the house itself could represent the community while the doors represent the guardins preventing the citizens from going outside of their dome.
The author continues to make facial features very important throughout the second third however eyebrows are now the reoccurring feature. Through this feature the author expresses D-503's mindset. For when his eyebrows are normal he is calm. But when they are "mangled, broken" (97) D-503 is very frustrated. During this instance he just received a letter from I-330 and he was tearing up the letter in frustration. The author also uses other facial features to shown when D-503 is describing his new soul by describing a line that travels in-between his eyebrows. I wonder if it is possible for the line to be caused by his subconscious frustration with the rules that must be followed. However he knows that this is not allowed in his society so he tries to deny his new feelings.
During the second third the author adds a lot of hyphens along with different breaks during dialogue or when the main character is describing his own thoughts. "the letter [...] my feet" (97). I think that the author does this to maybe convey the complexity if the thoughts or task at hand. Another theory I had was that this shows how D-503 is beginning to challenge what his government is telling because it becomes harder to make decisions or even what think against the government because he becomes open to being
Throughout the second third the story mainly takes place in the ancient house where D-503 meets with I-330. While in this ancient house D-503 begins to develop an imagination with the help of his new lover I-330. I think that the ancient house is the "origin" of the authors motifs and symbols for D-503 and the entire novel. "A second's pause at the door [...] I died" (85) In tis one quote the auhhor describes all the colors that are reoccurring regusrky throughout the novel: green, red, and yellow. And then it also mentions the mirror door, and earlier in the novel he was describing people's eyes as mirrors. So I think that the house itself could represent the community while the doors represent the guardins preventing the citizens from going outside of their dome.
The author continues to make facial features very important throughout the second third however eyebrows are now the reoccurring feature. Through this feature the author expresses D-503's mindset. For when his eyebrows are normal he is calm. But when they are "mangled, broken" (97) D-503 is very frustrated. During this instance he just received a letter from I-330 and he was tearing up the letter in frustration. The author also uses other facial features to shown when D-503 is describing his new soul by describing a line that travels in-between his eyebrows. I wonder if it is possible for the line to be caused by his subconscious frustration with the rules that must be followed. However he knows that this is not allowed in his society so he tries to deny his new feelings.
During the second third the author adds a lot of hyphens along with different breaks during dialogue or when the main character is describing his own thoughts. "the letter [...] my feet" (97). I think that the author does this to maybe convey the complexity if the thoughts or task at hand. Another theory I had was that this shows how D-503 is beginning to challenge what his government is telling because it becomes harder to make decisions or even what think against the government because he becomes open to being
Friday, March 30, 2012
Dystopian Journal #1
The society that D-503 lives in is surrounded by arithmetic and mathematical equations. Each person is not considered a person but rather a cipher. A cipher or other algorithms have to follow certain steps to get the correct answer. By making everyone a cipher it shows that each person follows a set of rules to please the benefactor. Also by making each character it gives them a predetermined persona not allowing them to deviate from their primary purpose. This shows the civilians in the society are constrained to a certain lifestyle which illuminates the lack of freedom in the society. The use of mathematics is looked at as the perfect world because "mathematics and death neither make mistakes" (90). This society is enclosed into an environment where everything is made out of glass, and it is surrounded by a glass wall that keeps the citizens from ever escaping this world. "when we isolated our perfect machined world, by means of the wall, from the irrational, chaotic world of trees, birds, animals..." (83). By creating everything out of glass it gives the people livingvwithin the wall very little privacy while giving the government more control by being abe to see everything being committed by the citizens.
The use of colors are used to represent constraint and freedom within the society. D-503 comnects the color blue to the sky when there are no clouds in the sky because it is unattained by any other clouds. When the sky doesn't have any clouds it's color is controlled by the weather showing its lack in freedom. The main character then associates the color green with confinement. This is proven when describing the wall as green because the wall is what confines the society from the rest of the world. The motifs of lips become very apparent throughout the end of the first third. "His lips: scissors" (65) here D-503 is describing a doctor who he later refers to as just scissors. Through this I feel like the author is trying to say representcharacter'ss personalities or their thoughts through their lips and other facial features. I-330 is a rebel in this society for she poisons herself with tobacco and alcohol which is against the customs of the society. D-503 describes her lips as dripping with blood which I think represents her rebellious and aggressive personality.
Throughout the first third of the novel, the author uses si Olaf techniques to that of Zora Neale Hurston, lengthy and very descriptive paragraphs of the setting and what his occurring during the passage. "the small bright crystal bell [...] quantities" (31)The author uses this to depict the confidence that D-503 has in his beliefs in the first third. He believed that whatever the the guRdians were doing was right and wasn't questioning many of philosophies that were being forced upon him. He reLly isn't questioning many of the beliefs so he doesn't think about many of his actions.
The society that D-503 lives in is surrounded by arithmetic and mathematical equations. Each person is not considered a person but rather a cipher. A cipher or other algorithms have to follow certain steps to get the correct answer. By making everyone a cipher it shows that each person follows a set of rules to please the benefactor. Also by making each character it gives them a predetermined persona not allowing them to deviate from their primary purpose. This shows the civilians in the society are constrained to a certain lifestyle which illuminates the lack of freedom in the society. The use of mathematics is looked at as the perfect world because "mathematics and death neither make mistakes" (90). This society is enclosed into an environment where everything is made out of glass, and it is surrounded by a glass wall that keeps the citizens from ever escaping this world. "when we isolated our perfect machined world, by means of the wall, from the irrational, chaotic world of trees, birds, animals..." (83). By creating everything out of glass it gives the people livingvwithin the wall very little privacy while giving the government more control by being abe to see everything being committed by the citizens.
The use of colors are used to represent constraint and freedom within the society. D-503 comnects the color blue to the sky when there are no clouds in the sky because it is unattained by any other clouds. When the sky doesn't have any clouds it's color is controlled by the weather showing its lack in freedom. The main character then associates the color green with confinement. This is proven when describing the wall as green because the wall is what confines the society from the rest of the world. The motifs of lips become very apparent throughout the end of the first third. "His lips: scissors" (65) here D-503 is describing a doctor who he later refers to as just scissors. Through this I feel like the author is trying to say representcharacter'ss personalities or their thoughts through their lips and other facial features. I-330 is a rebel in this society for she poisons herself with tobacco and alcohol which is against the customs of the society. D-503 describes her lips as dripping with blood which I think represents her rebellious and aggressive personality.
Throughout the first third of the novel, the author uses si Olaf techniques to that of Zora Neale Hurston, lengthy and very descriptive paragraphs of the setting and what his occurring during the passage. "the small bright crystal bell [...] quantities" (31)The author uses this to depict the confidence that D-503 has in his beliefs in the first third. He believed that whatever the the guRdians were doing was right and wasn't questioning many of philosophies that were being forced upon him. He reLly isn't questioning many of the beliefs so he doesn't think about many of his actions.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The Stranger- Journal #5
Pay it Forward
Everyone needs to help one another because the person that doesn't help will need help eventually and will have nobody to turn to. This creates nicer people that are always willing to help which will in turn create a better society to live in. With everyone helping one another, stress will be significantly depleted without the feeling of having to do it yourself, tighter bonds will be formed between people, I also think that it will prevent people from being completely selfish.
If everyone were to give equal respect to all individuals then I feel that there would be less hostility between different ethnicities and religious groups. With equal respect there would be less who people who believe that they are higher than everyone else which I think would create a better society especially when it comes to making important decisions. With everyone at an equal level, each point is more likely to be taken into equal consideration rather than one automatically being better because it came from a person with a higher social status.
Nobody likes a "Debby Downer." With everyone having a good attitude towards every situation there are going to be more learning experiences. For example, when not completing a task correctly instead of someone being negative the rest of the day, the person should try and make it a learning experience by thinking "what could I have done differently?" This will create a more well rounded person.
The Only Meaning in Life is the Meaning that We Give it
This means that we as a society need to to control our emotions rather than being over dramatic to every single situation because this will begin to affect our everyday lives. I'm mainly talking about negative emotions. Some of this is unavoidable, like when a loved one dies, but controlling your emotions will make you stronger mentally. This is beneficial when faced with with extremely important decisions because you will be able to think clearly and critically. So by not allowing our emotions to control the way that we think, we become a more intellectual society.
Make Work Fun
Nobody likes having to work, but it doesn't have to be work. Turning a simple assignment into a game or friendly competition with co-workers will make you want to do better increasing your performance. By making it more fun it becomes more enjoyable so you also do better work and want to continue to stay in the position that you are in. By making work fun this creates a happier society by depleting the stress of everyday life.
Don't Back Down to Accolades
Not one person should see someone's accolades during competition or in general and decide not to compete or deem that person to be of a higher social status. Show respect for their achievements but DO NOT deem that person to better than you so you automatically back down. Challenge that person, ask questions to make yourself better! This will make any one person tougher mentally and physically depending on the competition. This will also create the mindset of "I can do anything."
You Define Who You Are
Don't let anyone person decide who you are. You define your personality through your actions. No matter what anyone says or does to make you think otherwise you can be whoever you want to be. This will create a more confident person which will make them better at anything that they do in life. This can help a society significantly in getting whatever needs to be done in an efficient manner.
I chose all of these principles based on what I think are the ideal principles for a happy life. My dad taught me recently what Pay it forward means to him and how he implements it into his life and I thought that everyone can benefit from this. Respect is a huge part of my family. Everyone has equal respect and you don't disrespect anyone especially your elders because they have given you everything that you have. I took POA last year and I felt that optimism is a bit of a stretch but if everyone tries to be more optimistic that in itself will create a happier society. I am currently learning that I need to control my emotions and I have seen nothing but positive effects from it by benefiting everyone's attitudes around me. Making work fun stemmed from how I do my homework. I listen to music to make it more enjoyable which allows me to do better work because I stay focused. Don't back down to accolades is something that my family has taught me and it bugs me when somebody will automatically deem someone a higher status. I consider it giving up before trying and that in my mind should not be accepted. Defining who you are came from my dad's philosophy which stemmed into my own because I think that you should shoot for the stars and if you miss you'll hit the moon.
Pay it Forward
Everyone needs to help one another because the person that doesn't help will need help eventually and will have nobody to turn to. This creates nicer people that are always willing to help which will in turn create a better society to live in. With everyone helping one another, stress will be significantly depleted without the feeling of having to do it yourself, tighter bonds will be formed between people, I also think that it will prevent people from being completely selfish.
If everyone were to give equal respect to all individuals then I feel that there would be less hostility between different ethnicities and religious groups. With equal respect there would be less who people who believe that they are higher than everyone else which I think would create a better society especially when it comes to making important decisions. With everyone at an equal level, each point is more likely to be taken into equal consideration rather than one automatically being better because it came from a person with a higher social status.
Nobody likes a "Debby Downer." With everyone having a good attitude towards every situation there are going to be more learning experiences. For example, when not completing a task correctly instead of someone being negative the rest of the day, the person should try and make it a learning experience by thinking "what could I have done differently?" This will create a more well rounded person.
The Only Meaning in Life is the Meaning that We Give it
This means that we as a society need to to control our emotions rather than being over dramatic to every single situation because this will begin to affect our everyday lives. I'm mainly talking about negative emotions. Some of this is unavoidable, like when a loved one dies, but controlling your emotions will make you stronger mentally. This is beneficial when faced with with extremely important decisions because you will be able to think clearly and critically. So by not allowing our emotions to control the way that we think, we become a more intellectual society.
Make Work Fun
Nobody likes having to work, but it doesn't have to be work. Turning a simple assignment into a game or friendly competition with co-workers will make you want to do better increasing your performance. By making it more fun it becomes more enjoyable so you also do better work and want to continue to stay in the position that you are in. By making work fun this creates a happier society by depleting the stress of everyday life.
Don't Back Down to Accolades
Not one person should see someone's accolades during competition or in general and decide not to compete or deem that person to be of a higher social status. Show respect for their achievements but DO NOT deem that person to better than you so you automatically back down. Challenge that person, ask questions to make yourself better! This will make any one person tougher mentally and physically depending on the competition. This will also create the mindset of "I can do anything."
You Define Who You Are
Don't let anyone person decide who you are. You define your personality through your actions. No matter what anyone says or does to make you think otherwise you can be whoever you want to be. This will create a more confident person which will make them better at anything that they do in life. This can help a society significantly in getting whatever needs to be done in an efficient manner.
I chose all of these principles based on what I think are the ideal principles for a happy life. My dad taught me recently what Pay it forward means to him and how he implements it into his life and I thought that everyone can benefit from this. Respect is a huge part of my family. Everyone has equal respect and you don't disrespect anyone especially your elders because they have given you everything that you have. I took POA last year and I felt that optimism is a bit of a stretch but if everyone tries to be more optimistic that in itself will create a happier society. I am currently learning that I need to control my emotions and I have seen nothing but positive effects from it by benefiting everyone's attitudes around me. Making work fun stemmed from how I do my homework. I listen to music to make it more enjoyable which allows me to do better work because I stay focused. Don't back down to accolades is something that my family has taught me and it bugs me when somebody will automatically deem someone a higher status. I consider it giving up before trying and that in my mind should not be accepted. Defining who you are came from my dad's philosophy which stemmed into my own because I think that you should shoot for the stars and if you miss you'll hit the moon.
The Stranger- Journal #4
At the end of the novel, Meursault begins to understand what the point of living is. He comes to the conclusion that the point of living is just to live life. He sees that the point of life is just to live as long as your happy. He states that, "Even there, [...] I felt ready to live it all again too" (122). Meursault finds out that before Maman died she got a fiance not because she had to but because it made her happy, which is why nobody had the right to cry over her. This helps instigate Meursault's epiphany that living and being happy in life is the point of living. I think that Camus wants his readers from the 1940's to take in this idea because during the stressful time period of WWII nobody is focusing on living just to live but only trying to survive which is causing a massive state of unhappiness throughout the world, at that time. For the future generations I think that Camus wanted them to also take in this idea to create a happier generation.
Monday, March 12, 2012
The Stranger- Journal #3
I think that Camus splits the stranger into two parts to Meursault's change in character as the story progresses. This is evident when Meursault is describing his thought process in prison. He said that he would have the sudden urge to go on a walk to the beach to feel the waves lapping at his feet. Meursault described this as a freeman's thought. Being able to do whatever you want, whenever you want. He then goes on to describe the progression from freeman's thoughts to a prisoner's thoughts. This was shown when he began to cherish the little things. He began to scan his room looking for the smallest bit of change in any of his belongings so it would trigger memories to pass the time. This shows Meursault cherishing memories which more often then not are over looked completely by society. Meursault then goes on to talk about how he begins to look forward the walk around the courtyard everyday. The sense of freedom that is gained from having the ability to walk outside is another little thing that is often over looked until it is finally taken away. And before all of this happens the guard tells Meursault that they take away his freedom. So Meursault finds his own freedom through these exercises.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
The Stranger- Journal #2
Option 1:
I think that the sun and light represent Meursault's id. Camus uses the sun and light to represent the pressure to kill the Arab after harming Raymond. Camus describes the sun to be pressing against Meursault forcing him commit an action. In this case it is killing the Arab, which is against the philosiphies of the society that Meursault lives in. After killing the Arab Merusault says thsat the sun and heat thsat was once pressing on his back, has now been shook off. Camus then uses the light and the sun to develop the theme of not allowing society to determine your own values. In this sad case, Meursault feels the need to defend his friend who was critically injured by the Arab. This feeling is buried in his subconcious by his super ego. Killing is not accepted in his society which is why his super ego is burrying the want to harm the Arab. Camus then uses the sun and light to represent the influence of the id. Camus also uses this incident along with the sun and the light to develop the theme to defend your family and freinds.
I think that the sun and light represent Meursault's id. Camus uses the sun and light to represent the pressure to kill the Arab after harming Raymond. Camus describes the sun to be pressing against Meursault forcing him commit an action. In this case it is killing the Arab, which is against the philosiphies of the society that Meursault lives in. After killing the Arab Merusault says thsat the sun and heat thsat was once pressing on his back, has now been shook off. Camus then uses the light and the sun to develop the theme of not allowing society to determine your own values. In this sad case, Meursault feels the need to defend his friend who was critically injured by the Arab. This feeling is buried in his subconcious by his super ego. Killing is not accepted in his society which is why his super ego is burrying the want to harm the Arab. Camus then uses the sun and light to represent the influence of the id. Camus also uses this incident along with the sun and the light to develop the theme to defend your family and freinds.
The Stranger- Journal #1
Raymond: Raymond is described as a character that has as a very bad temeper. He describes multiple accounts of getting in fights with other men that challenge him. He also describes beating women that disrespect him or hurt him. Camus uses Raymond to represent the importance of being your own person. Camus uses this character to illustrate a concept of existentialism, existnce precedes essence.
Salamano: Salamano is described as a very depressed person who replcaced his wife with a dog after her death to ease his pain. Camus illustrates the existential cocept of Angst through Salmamano. This concept states how a person feels disgust when they having the ability to be free. Camus uses this charcater to show the negative properties of feeling the disgust with freedom.
Marie: She worked in the same office as Meursault. He and Marie are in a romantic relationshihp. Marie contrasts Meursault by showing more emotion and having fun. Meursault shows very little emotion and doesn't enjoy life to the fullest. Camus uses Marie to express the importance of not being too serious and enjoying life everyday.
Salamano: Salamano is described as a very depressed person who replcaced his wife with a dog after her death to ease his pain. Camus illustrates the existential cocept of Angst through Salmamano. This concept states how a person feels disgust when they having the ability to be free. Camus uses this charcater to show the negative properties of feeling the disgust with freedom.
Marie: She worked in the same office as Meursault. He and Marie are in a romantic relationshihp. Marie contrasts Meursault by showing more emotion and having fun. Meursault shows very little emotion and doesn't enjoy life to the fullest. Camus uses Marie to express the importance of not being too serious and enjoying life everyday.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Their Eyes Were Watching God- Journal #8
1) I think that Hurston chose this title to foreshadow the importance of Religion in the book along with giving the reader some idea of her own views towards religion. When she says that their eyes were watching god, it suggests that they are looking up to God either for advice or for hope. This title makes it seem like God is considered to have power over these people. This can influence the way you read the novel by making the reader pay more attention to the use of religion throughout the book and the literary elements that relate to religion throughout the book.
2) A different title for this book might be, "The Nature of God." I feel that this title still looks at the importance of religion through out the novel, but it adds a secondary focus of nature throughout the novel. It also shows god's control of nature which becomes evident through the scene with the hurricane.
3) The title of my pastiche is "Clear Mind, Clear Heart." I chose this title because it represents the significance of having a clear mind and being confident which my main character struggles with throughout the story. I used the symbol of fog to show when my character has no confidence which illuminiates the clear mind portion of the title.
2) A different title for this book might be, "The Nature of God." I feel that this title still looks at the importance of religion through out the novel, but it adds a secondary focus of nature throughout the novel. It also shows god's control of nature which becomes evident through the scene with the hurricane.
3) The title of my pastiche is "Clear Mind, Clear Heart." I chose this title because it represents the significance of having a clear mind and being confident which my main character struggles with throughout the story. I used the symbol of fog to show when my character has no confidence which illuminiates the clear mind portion of the title.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Printed Quotes- Journal #7
1)Alliteration: “She saw a dust-bearing bee sink into the sanctum of a bloom; the thousand sister-calyxes arch to meet the love embrace and the ecstatic shiver of the tree from root to tiniest branch creaming in every blossom and frothing with delight” (Hurston, 11). Hurston uses alliteration to begin a lot of her passages mainly to set the tone of the passage. In this specific passage, Hurston used alliteration to create a relaxed tone that carried over into a more optimistic theme of flowers representing happiness inside the passage. This eventually turns into Janie's belief that love should be as perfect as a bright spring day underneath a shady tree.
“She tore off the kerchief from her head and let down her plentiful hair. The weight, the length, the glory was there” (Hurston, 86). Hurston uses Janie's hair as a symbol for power throughout her novel. During this scene Joe has just died and Janie is able to let down her hair for the first time in about 20 years. This is important because making Janie put her hair up was one of many ways Joe controlled her. And by putting her hair down, it showed that Janie was now in control of herself. This gesture developed into different themes throughout the novel like self-fullfillment.
3) Syntax: “Janie was a good cook, and Joe had looked forward to his dinner […] before he stalked on back to the store” (Hurston, 72). Hurston uses different syntax an stuctures depending on the setting that she is introducing. In a more relaxed setting, Hurston uses long narrative pieces to describe the beauty of the setting along with very descriptive detail. However, in a more stressfull setting, for example leading up to a fight or dramatic scene, Hurston uses short sentences along with short narrative pieces. She then uses a lot of dialouge to describe the scene. This is very significant when she uses foreshadowing.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Pastiche Editing Process- Journal #6
I completely re-wrote the way I delivered my techniques and theme in my pastiche. I changed the setting and plot so that it was able to illuminate the theme and techniques more effectively. I then chose different symbols that could be resembled more to Hurston's. I used a ton of imagery in the introduction paragraph to give the reader a good idea of the plot and techinques being used. Then in later pargaraphs I used more dialouge to depict these same areas of my essay. I changed many of my sentences by adding more descriptive verbs and nouns. I then added a few more symbols and motifs that I feel illumintates the theme that I am conveying more accurately. I think by adding these few tweeks to the story, it has created a better story that any reader can enjoy, and want to keep reading.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
There Eyes Were Watching God- Journal #5
Then, Jake began to think of Fear. Fear, the miss conceivable character that foggs the mind in each direction. That looms over the dark alleyway blocking the way to the illuminating light at the end. What can clear this fog allowing easier travel to the end of the alley. Why does this fog occupy the alley? They crouch in the security of the fog waiting. Demons that might or might not be there. Been walking through that alley before, not knowing what, where or when something would leap out of the fog with a goal of driving him off course farther away from the illuminating light. It was probable for him to find glowing eyes peering out of the edges of the fog any day now. Rachel reassured Jake's safety, but Jake continued cautiously through the alley unconvinced. His sense of security would grow as he passes the glowing eyes and gets closer to the illuminating light. He was going to make it without any harmful events, but that's not what he thought. Rachel encouraged him against his thinking so she knew. And if he had, the. She would know for the fog becomes thicker and darker as it successfully claims a victim. Ignorance flowed out of the alley as a giant shadow dwarfed the alley.
I attempted to mimic Hurston exactly on page 84. I changed Death to fear and rumor to ignorance. I used fog to represent fear because if we allow it, fear can prevent us from reaching our goals. I used the illuminating light to represent a goal. I created a character that was allowing fear to control the way he tried to reach a goal, and another character that knew fear was blocking the other's perception. I used ignorance to represent the cause of fear to show that the character was lacking the knowledge about fear which cause the character to be unsuccessful in reaching his goal. This was represented by the giant shadow dwarfing the alley.
I attempted to mimic Hurston exactly on page 84. I changed Death to fear and rumor to ignorance. I used fog to represent fear because if we allow it, fear can prevent us from reaching our goals. I used the illuminating light to represent a goal. I created a character that was allowing fear to control the way he tried to reach a goal, and another character that knew fear was blocking the other's perception. I used ignorance to represent the cause of fear to show that the character was lacking the knowledge about fear which cause the character to be unsuccessful in reaching his goal. This was represented by the giant shadow dwarfing the alley.
Monday, February 20, 2012
There Eyes Were Watching God- Journal #4
On page 77, Zora Neale Hurston uses long, lengthy, and descriptive sentences to set the scene."Then one day she sat watched the shadow of herself [...] which soaks up urine and perfume with the same indifference." (77) Hurston uses this type of syntax to compliment the relaxed tone beneath the text. This is evident when in the next paragraph Hurston switches both of these. "Jody must have noticed it too. [...] long before they darted out of the tunnel of his mouth." (77) In this passage Hurston uses the exact opposite tone and syntax used in the previous paragraph of long and lengthy sentences combined with a relaxed tone, and now uses short and abrupt sentences that creates a very tense tone. Hurston then uses two different names to distinguish the character Joe or Jody. She uses Jody to smoothly transition from a relaxed to tense tone, but "Jody" and "Joe" both have their own underlying meanings. Hurston uses the name Jody to identify the character when he has power over a character or a group of characters in a passage or sentence. "He didn't rear back in his knees [...] and had been fearing for her to see." (77) In this passage Hurston is talking about Jody losing his dominating characteristics that has given him his famous reputation. Because Janie feels sympathy for him, Hurston uses the name Jody to reoresent that. How ever, to start the paragraph when she describes Joe losing his dominating characteristics's Hurston uses the name Joe because he no longer has the ability to maintain contrk, without those characteristics. Hurston then uses the depressing sound of Joe's description to foreshadow his prominent death.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Their Eyes Were Watching God- Journal #3
1) "Words walking without masters, walking altogether like a harmony in a song."(pg 2) Alliteration
2) "An envious heart makes a treacherous ear."(pg 5) Metaphor
3) "She knew the world was a stallion rolling in the blue pasture of ethor."(pg 25) Comparison
4) "Dat mornin' on de big plantation close to savanah, a rider come in a gallop tellin' bout Sherman taking Atlanta."(pg 16) Allusion
5) "They have got that fresh, new taste about them like young mustard greens in the spring,"(pg 67) Imagery
1) I think that Hurston uses alliteration in this passage to emphasize the importance of the porch in the beginning of the book. I think that it is also used to show what kind of talk goes on between characters when they are on the porch. When saying words walking without masters it shows that the characters are allowed to speak whatever is on their mind without being guided by a master's belief.
4) I think that Hurston uses this Allusion to establish the setting of the novel, and to give a background to the character of Nanny. By giving a previous experience of Nanny, the reader is able to understand where a part of the character's personality came from while being able to give some context to the story.
2) "An envious heart makes a treacherous ear."(pg 5) Metaphor
3) "She knew the world was a stallion rolling in the blue pasture of ethor."(pg 25) Comparison
4) "Dat mornin' on de big plantation close to savanah, a rider come in a gallop tellin' bout Sherman taking Atlanta."(pg 16) Allusion
5) "They have got that fresh, new taste about them like young mustard greens in the spring,"(pg 67) Imagery
1) I think that Hurston uses alliteration in this passage to emphasize the importance of the porch in the beginning of the book. I think that it is also used to show what kind of talk goes on between characters when they are on the porch. When saying words walking without masters it shows that the characters are allowed to speak whatever is on their mind without being guided by a master's belief.
4) I think that Hurston uses this Allusion to establish the setting of the novel, and to give a background to the character of Nanny. By giving a previous experience of Nanny, the reader is able to understand where a part of the character's personality came from while being able to give some context to the story.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Their Eyes Were Watching God- Journal #2
Donald had been anxiously waiting for this day. The day that Robert finally reveals what happened on that fateful day in 1944 when he lost his leg. Donald awaited with eager eyes and open ears thirsting for knowledge. Robert wasn't allowed to share any of his war stories until 40 years after the war. A young and limber 20 year old man during the second world war, Robert was in one of the infantry divisioins that was involved in storming Normandy Beach on D-Day.Robert took a deep breath as he began his story.
"Why yuh wants to know how I luhsts my laeg?" asked Robert.
"It's nots justs yuh laeg sir, I wants to laearn whats it's like to bae in the army.
"I have been dreamin since I was taen to follow in my grandfather's footsteps and join the army," Donald answered with rising excitement in his voice.
Robert's became a slit as he barely muttered: "It's a brotherhood theat yuh will bae ea part of thae rest of yuh life. But yuh have to bae willin to put yuh life on thae line fo any of the men yuh're fightin wit. Are you willin to fulfill this duty?"
"SIR YES SIR!" Donald yelled at the top of his Lungs, as shivers ran down his back in excitement. Donald's eyes grew wide as the graphic story unfolded through Robert's voice.
1) ou is changed to uh
2) e is replaced with ae unless the e is used to modify the sound of a word"like"
3) words that end in t's must include a s following the t unless "wants"
4) a is replaced with ea unless the a is used to modify the sound of a word
5) or at the end of a word is replaced by o.
6) words that end in th now end in t
7) words that in ing now only end in "in"
"Why yuh wants to know how I luhsts my laeg?" asked Robert.
"It's nots justs yuh laeg sir, I wants to laearn whats it's like to bae in the army.
"I have been dreamin since I was taen to follow in my grandfather's footsteps and join the army," Donald answered with rising excitement in his voice.
Robert's became a slit as he barely muttered: "It's a brotherhood theat yuh will bae ea part of thae rest of yuh life. But yuh have to bae willin to put yuh life on thae line fo any of the men yuh're fightin wit. Are you willin to fulfill this duty?"
"SIR YES SIR!" Donald yelled at the top of his Lungs, as shivers ran down his back in excitement. Donald's eyes grew wide as the graphic story unfolded through Robert's voice.
1) ou is changed to uh
2) e is replaced with ae unless the e is used to modify the sound of a word"like"
3) words that end in t's must include a s following the t unless "wants"
4) a is replaced with ea unless the a is used to modify the sound of a word
5) or at the end of a word is replaced by o.
6) words that end in th now end in t
7) words that in ing now only end in "in"
Monday, February 13, 2012
Their Eyes Were Watching God- Journal #1
From the first chapter I see Janie as being a very confident person who is very comfortable in her own skin. This is proven when the people on the porch are criticizing Janie for being in overalls instead of being in a summer dress, how she has her hair down and instead of feeling the need to protest she continued to walk to her house. I also perceive Janie as being a very humble person. This is shown in Janie's reaction when Pheoby compliments Janie on her age by saying: "... Gal, you sho looks good. You looks like youse yo' own daughter." Janie then replies with: " Ah takes dat flattery offa you, Pheoby, 'cause ah knows it's from de heart." By using this statement, she politely thanks Pheoby without showing any knowledge of her described beauty. I perceive the narrator as someone who is biased towards females because of how sitters are described as "tongueless, earless, and eyeless conveniences." when these people are very harshly criticizing Janie. The narrator also starts the novel off with figurative language that criticizes the abilities of man to fulfill their dreams. To me the figurative language states that men aren't able to fulfill their dreams because men don't have enough time to follow through on any of their dreams.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Post #4- Practice Test
1) In 1984, Winston is the
2) "The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats. At one end of it a coloured poster, too large for indoor display, had been tacked to the wall. It depicted simply an enormous face, more than a metre wide: the face of a man of about forty-five, with a heavy black moustache and ruggedly handsome features." (1984)
3) "Inside the flat a fruity voice was reading out a list of figures which had something to do with the production of pig-iron." (1984)
4)"It was a blazing hot afternoon." (The Stranger)
5)"Mother died today. Or, maybe, yesterday; I can’t be sure. The telegram from the Home says: Your Mother passed away. Funeral Tomorrow. Deep Sympathy.
Which leaves the matter doubtful; it could have been yesterday."(The Stranger)
Word Bank:
2) "The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats. At one end of it a coloured poster, too large for indoor display, had been tacked to the wall. It depicted simply an enormous face, more than a metre wide: the face of a man of about forty-five, with a heavy black moustache and ruggedly handsome features." (1984)
3) "Inside the flat a fruity voice was reading out a list of figures which had something to do with the production of pig-iron." (1984)
4)"It was a blazing hot afternoon." (The Stranger)
5)"Mother died today. Or, maybe, yesterday; I can’t be sure. The telegram from the Home says: Your Mother passed away. Funeral Tomorrow. Deep Sympathy.
Which leaves the matter doubtful; it could have been yesterday."(The Stranger)
Word Bank:
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Post #3-Chronology
Chronology is when an author arranges events in order from what happened most recently to what happened last.This can be connected to history when historians use a chronological timeline to describe the order of historical events. Chronology can be used to show development of a character through out a novel. In The Stranger the author organizes the main events of Meursalt to show the development of the character throughout the rest of the novel by placing the death of Maman at the beginning and Meursalt awaiting his execution at the end. It is also used to show cause and effect of major events.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Post #2- Climax
The climax is the "main event" of a novel. The main purpose of the plot is to build up to the climax to create an exciting finish to a novel. This is done through the use of rising action before the climax. The rising action usually consists of smaller problems or events that will all add up to created a dramatic and excting climax of a novel. Another way to think of the climax, is as a peak. For example, in a sport you want to peak at the right time.

Post #1
1) Out of the three books I enjoyed my dystopian novel, 1984, the most. In this novel I felt that Orwell did an amazing job at displaying the effects of Totalitarianism in a normal society. I felt like this was done through clearly depicting how all the citizens lived in complete fear of Big Brother and the Party. I also liked this book because of how it changed my mindset. In the book it described different scenarios where the citizens were limited to a certain amount of chocolate, cigarettes, or other items that the citizens felt were a necessity which caused them to ration these items. This really made me realize how important it is to cherish the things you have and not take things for granted.
2) The book I enjoyed least was There Eyes Were Watching God. Although the depiction of the southern dialect during that time period was a new interesting twist, it wasn't very enjoyable. The way the author used dialogue in the book was really confusing and took a very long time to get used to. This made it much harder to read. However I did manage to enjoy the book after getting the hang of the dialogue. I felt that the beginning of the plot was very boring and hard to get in to. The ending to this novel is what bugged me most of all. When Janie killed Tea Cake, I felt that it contrasted the author's theme of needing a relationship to be content with oneself. This is mainly because not only did Janie end up single, but she killed her spouse and was still able to be content with herself.
3) For The Stranger, the main element that I would focus on is the inability for the character to find himself, or be excepted into society. For example when the character's mother dies, he has trouble feeling remorse when everyone expects him to, and then stereotypes him as somebody that is troubled because he can't feel remorse towards the death of his mother. Something else I found rather significant and interesting was how the sun affected him. When he murdered the Arab he described the sun as if it was the cause of his actions. During this incident he described the sun as "The same as it was the day Maman died." I feel that this proves the sun is the cause of his anger.
2) The book I enjoyed least was There Eyes Were Watching God. Although the depiction of the southern dialect during that time period was a new interesting twist, it wasn't very enjoyable. The way the author used dialogue in the book was really confusing and took a very long time to get used to. This made it much harder to read. However I did manage to enjoy the book after getting the hang of the dialogue. I felt that the beginning of the plot was very boring and hard to get in to. The ending to this novel is what bugged me most of all. When Janie killed Tea Cake, I felt that it contrasted the author's theme of needing a relationship to be content with oneself. This is mainly because not only did Janie end up single, but she killed her spouse and was still able to be content with herself.
3) For The Stranger, the main element that I would focus on is the inability for the character to find himself, or be excepted into society. For example when the character's mother dies, he has trouble feeling remorse when everyone expects him to, and then stereotypes him as somebody that is troubled because he can't feel remorse towards the death of his mother. Something else I found rather significant and interesting was how the sun affected him. When he murdered the Arab he described the sun as if it was the cause of his actions. During this incident he described the sun as "The same as it was the day Maman died." I feel that this proves the sun is the cause of his anger.
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