Thursday, May 17, 2012

Antigone- Journal #12

Anouilh uses the conflict of yes vs. no through the character of Creon, and his decision to obtain the throne after the death of Etecoles. Through this situation it seems like to say yes to this situation or other conflicts within the play seems to be not what the character wants to do, but feels like it's their obligation to complete the task. After Antigone shows Creon that he had the option of saying no, Creon states "it would have been cowardly" (35) to not take on the throne. Anouilh continues to show yes vs. no when Antigone and Creon continue their conversation. Antigone states that because Creon has the throne he can only do what is socially acceptable by saying that she can say yes or no to "anything I think vile" (35). This means that Creon cannot say anything that goes against the societies values because he is kind and has to represent their beliefs as a whole. This can kind of go back to the struggle for power because Creon wants to create this societal image but people like Antigone don't share the same values therefore begin to defy Creon. I think that Anouilh uses this tension to show the importance of having your own voice, and doing what you want to do. Creon did what he though was right and didn't say no when he wanted to. This has caused his unhappiness, and lack of self-esteem which he replaces with the feeling that power gives him. Antigone on the other hand is content with herself in the decisions that she has made because they have been what she wants to do.

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